
Increase Acceptance Faster with Training

NITS provides comprehensive product training for customers nationwide through traditional classroom sessions and online courses. Training sessions are offered online, at the NITS corporate training facility, at a location near you for multiple districts or schools, or privately to meet your individual school or district needs.

Why Training?
Schools and districts can gain acceptance of their investment faster when the right courses are provided to staff and timed when they need it. By providing training, you can:

  • Improve end user productivity and encourage additional utilization of the system
  • Offer basic, intermediate or advanced skill-level courses in various areas of interest to meet the specific needs of your staff
  • Help employees spend less time with the system so they can spend more time with student

Key Features:

  • Learn from professional, certified trainers who know how to effectively teach adult learners
  • Take specific training sessions especially designed for new customers and new implementations
  • Provide training for employees who need refresher courses in a specific area
  • Get new staff up to speed on the system
  • Leverage seasonal training sessions timed just prior to the need
  • Take advantage of free online classes and recordings of sessions regarding new products and major release information

Course offerings cover many areas of interest with basic, intermediate and advanced level courses being offered in each category. Session attendees typically include new employees for initial training, current employees who need refresher courses in a particular topic area or staff moving into a new position.

Niagara IT Solutions, Inc.

2886 Upper Mountain Road
Sanborn, New York 14132

(716) 259-9135 phone:
(716) 731-9819 fax: